8 ball pool rules

8 ball pool rules: Know all the tips & tricks

Whether you’re a first-time player or an experienced one, it’s important to know the 8 ball pool rules.

In this post, we’ll cover the basic rules and provide some helpful tips for beginners.

So, whether you’re looking to just win a game or two or want to become a serious player, make sure you read on!

What are the official rules of pool?

The official rules of pool are quite complex, but can be generally summed up as follows: each player is assigned a certain number of balls, which they must sink in specific order.

Players are also allowed to sink the cue ball, which can be used to strike other balls.

The first player to sink all their balls (or the player with the lowest score if the game is unfinished) is the winner.

There are a variety of other specific rules that can apply depending on the type of pool being played, but these are the basics.

What are 8 ball pool rules?

8 ball pool is a popular cue sports game that is enjoyed by millions of people all over the world. It’s a very simple game to play, but there are a few basic rules that you need to follow in order to make sure the game is fair for everyone.

In this section, we will take a look at the 8 ball pool rules so that you can understand how to play the game properly.

The first rule of 8 ball pool is that you must pocket either the black ball or the 8 ball to win. If you pocket any other ball, then you automatically lose the game.

The second rule is that you can only hit the cue ball once per shot. This means that you cannot strike the cue ball twice in a row, and you cannot hit the cue ball and another object ball at the same time. If you break either of these rules, then you will automatically lose the game.

The third rule is that you must pocket all of your balls in ascending order. This means that you must pocket the 1 ball first, followed by the 2 ball, 3 ball, and so on. If you pocket any of your balls out of order, then you will automatically lose the game.

The fourth rule is that you can only pocket balls that are called by the other players. If you pocket a ball that has not been called, then you will automatically lose the game.

The fifth rule is that no player can sink the 8 ball until all of their other balls have been pocketed.

If a player attempts to sink the 8 ball before all of their other balls have been pocketed, then they will automatically lose the game. The sixth rule is that you must call your shots. This means that you must announce which ball you are going to hit, and where you are going to hit it.

If you do not call your shots, then the other players can dispute your shot and award the point to themselves.

The seventh rule is that you cannot move any of the balls once they have come to a rest. This means that you cannot touch any of the balls with your hand or cue stick until the end of the game. If you move any of the balls, then you will automatically lose the game.

The eighth and final rule is that you must always obey the referee’s decisions. If you do not obey the referee’s decisions, then you will automatically lose the game.

Now that you know the 8 ball pool rules, it’s time to start playing the game! Just remember to follow the rules and play fair, and you’ll be sure to have a blast playing this exciting cue sports game.

What are fouls in 8 ball?

There are several fouls that can occur in 8 ball pool, the most common of which are listed below.

1. Shooting without cue ball hitting an object ball first – This is also commonly known as a scratch, and results in your opponent receiving cue ball in hand.

2. Jumping the cue ball over an object ball – This results in a loss of turn for the player.

3. Hitting the cue ball twice with the same stroke – This is also known as a double hit, and results in a loss of turn for the player.

4. Touching an object ball with anything other than the cue ball – This includes both hands and clothing, and results in a loss of turn for the player.

5. Playing out of turn – This results in a loss of turn for the player.

6. Fouling on the break – This includes missing the cue ball, hitting the object balls multiple times, and failing to hit any object balls at all. If this happens, the other player has the option to either take ball in hand or re-break.

Don’t Miss This: How To Shape A Pool Cue Tip?


The official rules of pool can be confusing for beginners.

That’s why we’ve broken them down for you and answered some of the most commonly asked questions.

Now that you know the basics, it’s time to put your skills to the test! Remember, practice makes perfect.

Start playing today and soon you’ll be sinking balls like a pro.

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