cost to refelt a pool table

What is the cost to refelt a pool table?

Did you know that the cost to refelt a pool table is only around $50? This makes it a relatively affordable project and well worth the investment if your table is in need of some new felt.

In this blog post, we will discuss the steps involved in re-felting a pool table and provide you with a few tips on how to do it yourself.

So, if you’re considering giving your pool table a makeover, read on for all the details!

Is it hard to refelt a pool table?

Refelting a pool table is not hard, but it can be time consuming. First, you need to remove the old felt.

This can be done by using a razor blade to cut through the old felt. Then, you need to clean the surface of the table.

Once the table is clean, you can apply the new felt. Make sure that the new felt is stretched tightly across the table.

Finally, trim the excess felt and secure it in place with tape.

Why to refelt a pool table?

There are many reasons why you might want to refelt your pool table. Perhaps the felt is worn and needs to be replaced.
Maybe you want to change the color or style of the felt. Or, you might simply be moving and need to disassemble and reassemble your table.

Refelting a pool table is not a difficult task, but it does require some time and effort.
You’ll need to gather a few supplies, including new felt, adhesive, staples, and a utility knife. You’ll also need to clear an area where you can work and lay out all of your materials.

Once you have everything you need, follow these steps to refelt your pool table:

  1. Remove the old felt. Use a utility knife to cut around the perimeter of the old felt. Carefully peel it away from the table, being careful not to damage the wood.
  2. Clean the surface of the table. Remove any adhesive or staples that are left behind. Sand down any rough spots on the surface of the table.
  3. Cut the new felt to size. Measure the length and width of your pool table and add a few inches to each side for trimming later. Cut the new piece of felt using a straight edge and a sharp knife.
  4. Apply adhesive to the surface of the table. Spread an even layer of adhesive over the entire surface using a roller or brush.
  5. Lay down the new piece of felt. Carefully place the new piece of felt on top of the adhesive, making sure that it is centered and there are no wrinkles or bubbles.
  6. Trim the excess felt. Use a sharp knife to trim away the excess fabric around the edges of the table.
  7. Attach the trim. Apply adhesive to the underside of the trim and attach it around the edge of the table. Use staples or nails to secure it in place.
  8. Let the adhesive dry. Allow the adhesive to dry completely before using your pool table again.

Refelting a pool table is a simple process that can be completed in a few hours. With some patience and attention to detail, you’ll have a new pool table that looks great and plays even better.

How to refelt a pool table?

There are a few things you’ll need in order to refelt your pool table: new felt, adhesive, and tools to remove the old felt.

The process is relatively straightforward: first, remove the old felt and clean the surface of the table.
Next, apply the adhesive to the table and lay down the new piece of felt.

Once the new felt is in place, trim it to fit, and then secure it with weight or tape. Finally, let the adhesive dry completely before using the table again.

What is cost to refelt a pool table?

Refelting a pool table usually costs around $200. However, this can vary depending on the size of the table, the materials used, and the work required. Make sure you get an estimate from a professional before you start any work.

How often should the felt on a pool table be replaced?

There is no set rule for how often the felt on a pool table should be replaced, as it will depend on a number of factors, such as how often the table is used and how well it is maintained.

However, most experts recommend replacing the felt every 3-5 years. This will help ensure smooth gameplay and protect the table’s surface.

If you are unsure whether it is time to replace the felt on your pool table, there are a few signs to look out for: if the surface feels rough or uneven, if the color has faded, or if there are any tears or holes in the fabric.

If you notice any of these issues, it is likely time to replace the felt.


So, is it hard to refelt a pool table? The answer is yes and no. It’s not difficult in the sense that you need any special tools or skills.

However, it can be a bit of a challenge if you don’t have much experience with the process.

That being said, it’s definitely something you can do yourself with a little bit of

How often should you replace the felt on your pool table.

This will depend on how often you use it and how well you take care of it.

Most experts recommend replacing the felt every two to three years.

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